Finally we have landed on a good resolution about whitehatsweb site. That is to use a Wordpress account for now, and give it a better look than what our first static html page was. We can take care of the better looking site later when we actually have time to do so.
And it honestly feels like having a baby! Although I have been a part of lot of web development projects before, this has been my first ever involvement from picking up a domain name to choosing a theme (and eventually designing a logo someday)!
It feels great. I know there is a lot that can be done better. We look forward to your suggestions. We need to do lot better. For instance, I want to make the footer richer with content. I will install social media buttons there, but what more can we do?
We want to continue with Wordpress for now. It gives a distinct experience to the user to go through blog posts on Web Development and SEO first and then to the other fine details like About Us, and Contact Us. May be I will do something to add that to all pages.
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